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Comprehensive Foot Care

Your feet are precious! Here you will find all the specialized products, designed and created by Podia for comprehensive care, treatment and protection from the threats that your daily life includes.
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Κρέμα Προστασίας και Περιποίησης

Diabetic Foot Care

Learn about the increased needs of the Diabetic Foot and see how you can provide them all the necessary care and protection needed.
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Φροντίδα για όμορφα και δυνατά νύχια

Beautiful and strong nails

Your nails are a sign of health and beauty! Learn how you can strengthen them again and make a difference in your nails appearance.
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Podia – Foot Care Products espa
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Soft Protection Cap – Fabric-Covered Gel

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Soothes and relieves painful pressure and friction, Prevents corns and calluses.
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Fabric-Covered Gel Cap for toes.

Fabric-Covered Gel Protection Cap is the enhanced choice, created by Podia, for the protection of your toes against pressure and friction. It soothes and relieves the consequences, while preventing corns and calluses on your toes.

  • Seamless elastic fabric reinforcement and greater walking comfort.
  • Enriched with medical grade oils.
  • Washable and reusable.
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    thiki gelis me yfasma podia footcare POI

    Toe Protection Fabric-Covered Gel Caps

    Every day, our toes are susceptible to the increased pressure and friction, undergoing conditions that make them even more vulnerable to possible injuries. Strenuous walking, exercise, sweating and tight shoes can be important parameters of strain, which, in most cases, are aggravated by structural deformities.

    Toe deformities

    Toe deformities are quite a common phenomenon, which has as its main cause the dysfunction of the toe-support muscles. Other conditions that can lead to this result are rheumatoid arthritis, neurological disorders, extensive pressure on the foot, frequent injuries, , and heredity.

    Specialized toe protection

    Podia‘s Fabric-Covered Gel Protection Caps are the specialized and advanced choice for dealing with any threat posed on your toes by pressure and friction, while at the same time they aim at the instant relief from their consequences. The addition of a seamless elastic fabric cover strengthens the structure of the gel cap and increases the protection, providing maximum stability, with very high elasticity and comfort in every step.

    • Specially designed for total toe protection.
    • Protection against injuries, calluses and corns.
    • Stable fit and excellent walking comfort.
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    Curabitur quis diam et mauris dapibus tincidunt ullamcorper quis dolor. Curabitur et augue tincidunt, tristique felis vel, feugiat magna. Maecenas porttitor nisl est, in ultrices augue pharetra pulvinar. Proin hendrerit at tellus ac convallis. Nunc consectetur varius condimentum. Etiam ut accumsan dui. Nulla elementum venenatis turpis malesuada feugiat.
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    Elasticity and durability

    Gel and Fabric

    thiki gelis me yfasma podia footcare POI

    The anatomical design of Podia’s Fabric-Covered Gel Protection Cap provides total protection of the toes from friction and pressure, with firm holding and outstanding fitting. The seamless elastic fabric coating offers remarkable elasticity, while the inner gel makes it gently soft for your skin.

    • Easy and firm fitting.
    • Exceptional comfort and relief.
    • Reinforced protection.
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    Outstanding durability

    Washable and reusable

    The polymer gel and the special elastic fabric of the Podia’s Fabric-Covered Gel Protection Cap make the product washable and reusable, providing a remarkable lifespan.

    • Outstanding durability.
    • Remarkably long lifespan of the product.
    • Firm fitting and elasticity.
    thiki gelis me yfasma podia footcare slide POI
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    Toe protection cap

    Podia‘s Fabric-Covered Gel Protection Caps for toes are specially designed to absorb pressure and friction, by covering the whole toe, while offering comfort and relief. Thanks to its elasticity, they perfectly fit to every toe, while they can be trimmed or cut into 2 parts, creating a tube and a cap for your toes.


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    5.29 out of 10 felt the intensity of callus pain, according to 201 participants in a scientific study

    Everyday use

    Instant relief from pressure and friction

    Daily foot care is essential to prevent and treat any aggravating condition. We make sure our feet are always clean and dry before using any product, giving more emphasis to the area between the toes.

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    podia tips
    Pro Tip

    For an even more comfortable fit, sprinkle with talcum powder, before use!

    Soft Protection Cap – Fabric-Covered Gel

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    systatiko polymeris geli epithemata
    Polymer Gel

    The polymer gel is hypoallergenic with exceptional soft texture, providing maximum comfort, outstanding durability, firm fitting and elasticity, even during the most demanding activities.

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    systatiko elastiko yfasma epithemata
    Elastic Fabric

    The external structure of the Fabric-Covered Gel Protection Cap is reinforced with elastic fabric, which offers excellent durability, warranted comfort and perfect fitting. It is seamless to avoid creating friction, while its color is neutral and compatible with skin, for even greater discretion.

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    systatiko eidiko arwma
    Medical Grade Mineral Oils

    Each Fabric-Covered Gel Protection Cap is enriched with medical grade mineral oils, constantly released during product’s life, soothing and relieving the irritated skin of the toe.

    podia footcare section

    Not recommended for people with diabetes.

    The Soft Polymer Gel Protection Cap should not be used on an open wound.

    Consult a physician, if the problem persists.

    Keep out of reach of children and pets.

    Please note that the information provided on this site does not in any way replace medical advice and treatment. In case you have or suspect that you have any health problem, you should seek medical advice and ONLY follow the medical instructions. Always read the instructions for use and precautions mentioned in our product brochures carefully.

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    Οι επαγγελματιες μιλουν για το προϊον

    Η γνώμη των ειδικών


    Η καθημερινή φροντίδα των ποδιών σου

    Γιατί κάθε σου βήμα θα πρέπει να σε οδηγεί με άνεση στο επόμενο.
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    We care about your needs

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    Pressure and friction strain the toes and cause daily painful discomfort, or even deeper problems. By using a specially designed Gel Protection Cap you can protect your toes from consequences, relieving pressure and friction. Let’s check the ways you can fully protect and effectively relieve our toes.

    Every day, our feet are under constant pressure, literally and figuratively. The literal pressure and friction commonly focus on our heel, metatarsus and toes cause the skin of the foot to react by creating a defensive hard coating in order to protect the inner softer layers. This creates calluses and corns on our feet, especially when the skin has a lower moisture level.

    Corns and calluses constitute an irritating and painful condition. Especially when daily routines, shoes, or activities lead to their further irritation. We can prevent it, by following a care and protection routine that will improve the conditions and remove the intense symptoms, until the final removal of the corn or callus.

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