podia footcare section


podia footcare section
skasmenes pternes podia footcare Step round

Comprehensive Foot Care

Your feet are precious! Here you will find all the specialized products, designed and created by Podia for comprehensive care, treatment and protection from the threats that your daily life includes.
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podia footcare section
Κρέμα Προστασίας και Περιποίησης

Diabetic Foot Care

Learn about the increased needs of the Diabetic Foot and see how you can provide them all the necessary care and protection needed.
Discover it
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Care routines

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Φροντίδα για όμορφα και δυνατά νύχια

Beautiful and strong nails

Your nails are a sign of health and beauty! Learn how you can strengthen them again and make a difference in your nails appearance.
Discover it
Podia – Foot Care Products espa
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podia footcare section

History & People of Podia

The company Natura Pharm with its brand Podia is the daily companion of people who realize the precious need for the care of their feet in their daily life. At the same time, Podia is a precious companion to the professional in the field of foot care and aesthetician, but also of every pharmacist who aims at the optimal satisfaction of the requirements of their clients.
podia footcare section

Our philosophy

We upgrade the importance of foot care

naturapharm georgios papadimitropoulos

We created the brand Podia, neither to compete with other foot care brands, nor to target just one specific consumer category.

Since the beginning, our goal with Podia was to create for everyone a reference point in the care and treatment of the lower limbs, so that they could support every next step in their daily routine. To achieve this, we are moving steadily and progressively on two important axes:

  • The development of effective and specialized products that provide solutions to the needs of foot care and
  • The deepening of the understanding of the feet’s importance, as well as the value of the integrated care and their protection.

We want to radically change everything in the field of footcare, both for the professionals, by providing specialized support services, and for the final consumers of our products, by upgrading their quality of life, by improving of their well-being.

Georgios Papadimitropoulos
CEO | Founder Natura Pharm


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podia footcare section

Our story

The steps of Podia

The idea of ​​providing exceptional services and products in the field of foot care dates back to the 1990s, with the realization of a comprehensive philosophy about the specific needs of people’s feet in everyday life. The first independent steps of Podia took place in the early 2010s, with the creation of the brand and the launch of its first series of products.
Podia was founded and formed in such a way to revolutionize foot care. We pursue this by constantly investing in research and innovation. Therefore, Podia is constantly focusing on the needs of people for the care of their feet, as well as the quality and efficiency requirements of professionals.
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podia footcare history
The Beginning
Establishment of Natura Pharm by the pharmacist Georgios Papadimitropoulos.
The First Step
Import of foot care products and equipment.
The Spread
Rapid growth via collaborations with pharmacies and professionals.
podia footcare history  ISO
Investing in Quality
Natura Pharm obtains ISO 9000: 2001 and is certified for the Quality Management System of its products and services.
podia footcare history
Podia and its first products
Podia is created as a specialized brand aimed at creating foot care and protection products. The first Podia products are available on the market, with the anatomic insoles and the first protection patches, tubes, caps and sleeves being the starting point for the creation of a reference point.
podia footcare history
Expanding in the field of protection and relief
New series of patch created by Podia for protection and relief.
podia footcare history
Specialized foot care products
Podia’s first protection and relief creams, for the Diabetic Foot, and for Cold and Humidity become available to the consumers.
podia footcare history
Research and development

Invest in research and development of specialized foot care and protection products, focusing on special and increased requirements arising from specific health conditions and disorders.

The list of Podia products includes the Cleansing & Exfoliating Soap, new protection and relief patches, the Hydrocolloid Technology Blister Plasters, the Nickel-Plated Nail File, the Professional Double-Sided Nail File and the 4-Way Block Shiner.

podia footcare history
New specialized products

The new products of Podia are launched: Deodorant Foot Protection Spray, Nails Intensive Strengthening Serum, and Professional Double-Sided Rasp.

podia footcare history
New specialized products

Podia's new products are on the market: Athletes Feet DeoPowder, Anatomic Insoles – Everyday Comfort & Support, Creamy Gel for Heavy & Tired Feet, and Cracked Heels – Drastic Recovery Cream.

podia footcare history
New specialized products
Two new specialized Podia products are available in pharmacies: Anti-Callus - Keratolytic Cream, and Sport Cryogel against Muscle & Joint Discomfort.
podia footcare history
Upgrading products and services
Continuous updating and upgrading of products and services provided by Podia to customers and partners.
podia footcare history
Active support for professionals

Upgrading the collaboration status and services with the associate Doctors, Professionals and Pharmacists, through the quality of the products, the specialized knowledge and the consulting support.

Export opening

Podia is expanding its commercial presence by exporting its products to Cyprus.

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podia footcare section


The People of Podia

Podia is its people, who create foot care products and provide specialized support services. From our very first step until today, we are focusing on the needs of our customers and partners. And thus, Podia takes every step as team with a common vision, standing by you and your needs in foot care products and services!
podia footcare section
naturapharm georgios papadimitropoulos
Georgios Papadimitropoulos
CEO | Founder Natura Pharm
naturapharm team
Christina Tapa
General Manager
naturapharm team
Marios Petridis
Operation Manager
naturapharm team
Dimitris Rokkos
Sales Manager
naturapharm team
Giannis Kalaras
Sales Analyst
naturapharm marina papadimitropoulou
Marina Papadimitropoulou
Growth Manager
naturapharm team
Maria Chouzouri
Back Office
naturapharm team
Stelios Matthaiakakis
Logistics Manager
naturapharm team
Nektaria Tsompanidi
Secretarial Assistance
naturapharm team
Kostas Kotsiopoulos
Stock Clerk
podia footcare section

Take the first step

Foot care and protection products

Your feet are precious and you need to take care of them and protect them effectively. Podia is by your side, revolutionizing the fields of foot care and protection, always having You and your needs as a reference point.
Start now!

Points of sale

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With 300+ points of sale throughout the country, our products are always a few steps away from you!

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