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Comprehensive Foot Care

Your feet are precious! Here you will find all the specialized products, designed and created by Podia for comprehensive care, treatment and protection from the threats that your daily life includes.
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Κρέμα Προστασίας και Περιποίησης

Diabetic Foot Care

Learn about the increased needs of the Diabetic Foot and see how you can provide them all the necessary care and protection needed.
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Care routines

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Φροντίδα για όμορφα και δυνατά νύχια

Beautiful and strong nails

Your nails are a sign of health and beauty! Learn how you can strengthen them again and make a difference in your nails appearance.
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Podia – Foot Care Products espa
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Heavy & Tired Legs

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Heavy & Tired Legs.
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Creamy Gel in 150ml container.
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1-2 times per day. Foot and calf.

Award-winning product for the immediate and complete treatment of the feeling of weight, fatigue and burning of the legs.

  • Instantly relieves heavy and tired legs.
  • Revitalizes and provides deep care to the skin.
  • Dermatologically tested, without colorants and parabens.
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    best in pharmacy gold  podia packaging
    Gold Award for Best Pharmacy Product
    Gold Award for the most innovative pharmacy product in the category of health and care products.
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    Podia varia k kourasmena POI

    Do you feel your feet heavy and tired?

    The main causes of feeling your feet heavy and tired could be summarized as consequences of the modern way of life, such as prolonged standing or continuous sitting position, even in combination with reduced physical exercise, tight clothes and shoes, the use of high heels. Additional causes could be created by pregnancy, obesity, smoking, high temperature, or even genetic predisposition.

    What causes the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs?

    All of the above conditions can adversely affect the quality of blood circulation in your feet. Thus, the blood accumulates in the blood vessels and causes the veins to swell, resulting in the appearance of varicose veins, venous lakes and swelling, mainly in the thigh area, behind the knees, ankles and tibia. Spider veins may be more than a cosmetic issue. Pathologically, this phenomenon has negative effects even in our daily lives, make our footsteps feel heavy.

    Instant relief and care of tired feet

    Podia’s award-winning Cream Gel for Heavy & Tired Legs provides complete care and instant relief from the symptoms of heavy and tired legs. It is immediately absorbed and instantly relieves the feeling of a weighted sensation and fatigue of the feet and the local swelling, especially in the area around the ankles and shins, while revitalizing the skin and soothing the itching and burning sensation.

    • Instantly relieves the feeling of heaviness and fatigue
    • Relieves itching and burning sensation
    • Provides deep skin care.
    • Creates a prolonged feeling of coolness
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    Curabitur quis diam et mauris dapibus tincidunt ullamcorper quis dolor. Curabitur et augue tincidunt, tristique felis vel, feugiat magna. Maecenas porttitor nisl est, in ultrices augue pharetra pulvinar. Proin hendrerit at tellus ac convallis. Nunc consectetur varius condimentum. Etiam ut accumsan dui. Nulla elementum venenatis turpis malesuada feugiat.
    podia footcare section

    Innovation in the care of tired legs

    Escine-enriched in microcapsules

    Podia varia k kourasmena POI

    Preserved in micro-capsules, Escin is the active ingredient that aims to treat local swelling and burning sensation, by stimulating the microcirculation and enhancing the effectiveness of the Revitalizing Cream-Gel.

    podia footcare section

    Always protected

    In a special Airless container

    The smart and practical packaging of the product Heavy and Tired Legs keeps its content Protected in a vacuum dispensing system, protects it effectively until the last application, and offers 360o of smooth and easy use.

    • Effective content protection
    • Optimal quality and longer product life
    • Easy to use with 360-degree multi-position dispensing
    • Full evacuation, no waste
    Πόδια Βαριά & Κουρασμένα
    podia footcare section

    Advanced features

    Targeted effectiveness of ingredients

    The effectiveness offered by the specialized Cream-Gel for Heavy and Tired Legs by Podia is proven through the results of in-vivo studies on the active ingredients.

    The bitter ginger extract, as part of the triple active ingredient, in combination with arnica and horse chestnut extract, reduces swelling, decongests tissues from excess water retention, while enhancing antioxidant protection and improving microcirculation.


    podia footcare section
    52.5% of patients state that at least one foot condition affects their quality of life

    Application tips

    Instant and effective relief

    Easy application, for daily use, and practical packaging that fully protects the composition of Podia creamy gel for Heavy and Tired Legs.

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    podia footcare section
    podia tips

    Raise your feet in supine position for a few minutes to speed up the relief.

    Heavy & Tired Legs

    podia footcare section 4

    systatiko eskini se mikrokapsoules
    Escine-enriched in microcapsules

    Stimulates the microcirculation of the lower extremities, without causing skin irritations.

    podia footcare section 4

    systatiko ekxylisma pikrou ginger arnikas ippokastanias
    Bitter ginger, arnica & horse chestnut Extract

    Reduces swelling, decongests tissues from excess retention fluid and offers significant improvement in microcirculation and enhanced antioxidant protection.

    podia footcare section 4

    systatiko foukoeides kai ekxilisma piperiou sesouan
    Fucoidins and “Sichuan Pepper” Extract

    With immediate and effective anti-itching and soothing properties.

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    systatiko mentholi kai paragondas X COOl podia varya kai kourasmena
    Menthol and X-COOL Factor

    For a long-lasting sensation of coolness and freshness.

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    systatikowris parabens

    Formulated without preservatives and Parabens.

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    No addition of artificial colors and colorants.

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    Contraindications and Special Instructions

    Avoid using the product on an open wound, or in case of hypersensitivity to one or more of its ingredients. 
    The Heavy & Tired Feet creamy gel is suitable for use by people who use graduated compression stockings. 
    Apply the product on clean and dry skin. Before using the creamy Heavy & Tired Feet gel, treat the bottom of the sole with Podia Cleansing & Exfoliating Soap and dry the spot thoroughly, emphasizing the toe area, to eliminate accumulated moisture.

    Please note that the information provided on this site does not in any way replace medical advice and treatment. In case you have or suspect that you have any health problem, you should seek medical advice and ONLY follow the medical instructions. Always read the instructions for use and precautions mentioned in our product brochures carefully.

    podia footcare section

    Οι επαγγελματιες μιλουν για το προϊον

    Η γνώμη των ειδικών

    Follow a complete care routine

    Daily foot care

    For the prevention, but also for the relief of the symptoms of Heavy and Tired Legs.

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    Focusing on your needs

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    It is a common phenomenon in a large number of population, in our modern way life, to feel their legs heavy and tired. Lifestyle, various pathological conditions and possible genetic predisposition can contribute to the appearance or worsening of the phenomenon itself, its symptoms and consequences, reducing the quality of life and aggravating fatigue in daily activities.

    The daily care of the feet and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, always contribute positively to the prevention, but also to the relief of the initial consequences of the phenomenon. That is why Podia’s goal is to offer you the complete care that your daily life requires, with specialized products and innovative formulas, which relieve the effects and prevent foot-related problems.

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